Pittsburgh — Rossburg Distance between cities, Driving directions, road

  • km
    No data
    Unable to get directions
  • 394 km
    236.4 miles
  • 4.9 h.
    295.5 minutes
  • 5.6 h.
    337.7 minutes
  • 0.4 h.
    26.3 minutes
  • 0.3 h.
    19.8 minutes
  • 0.0 h.
    0.0 minutes
Fuel consumption per 100 km:
Fuel costs:
there and back Again
Fuel consumption per 100 miles:
Fuel costs:
there and back Again

Distance between cities Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States and Rossburg, Ohio, United States on public roads is — km or miles. The distance between the points in the coordinates — 394 km or 236.4 miles. To overcome this distance at an average vehicle speed of 80 km / h require — 4.9 h. or 295.5 minutes.

The length of this distance is about 1.0% of the total length of the equator. Airliner Airbus A380 will fly the distance in 0.4 h., and the train 5.6 h. (No high-speed train).

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Driving directions Pittsburgh — Rossburg
The direction of movement
United States, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States
Right-hand traffic
United States, Rossburg, Darke County, Ohio, United States
Right-hand traffic
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